Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Packing Tips

Packing is almost always the most time-consuming aspect of a move. And, as with many things, proper planning will go a long way to making this part of your move go smoothly.

Much of the real payoff for following these tips is on the backend. You’ll arrive at your new home knowing where everything is, you’ll have all essential items you need with you, you’ll ensure your items will have arrived safely as possible, and you’ll know where everything goes in your new home…reducing the amount of time it takes to get unpacked.

Packing Supplies

Boxes: You’ll need more than you think. Purchase or find (liquor stores or book stores may be tossing boxes designed to handle heavy objects, or ask your realtor who has moved in recently…they will probably give a great price on their boxes) high quality boxes. Don’t skimp here, you’ll regret it.
Boxing tape and dispenser: Having good tape and a tape dispenser will save you a lot of time and trouble.

Plenty of Packing Material: Newspaper, bubble wrap, biodegradable peanuts, cardboard… don’t forget dish towel/potholders, regular towels and pillows can be used to line boxes or wrap/pad fragile items…and then you won’t need another box for them!
Thick Magic Markers: Ideally multiple colors. RED for FRAGILE. Write in big, bold, block letters/numbers.
Scissors/Utility Knife: Essential for cutting packing materials to size.
Tools: For disassembling furniture, electronics, etc.
Zip-Lock Bags: for keeping wiring, furniture hardware etc organized.
Digital camera: Taking pictures of the back of assembled electronic components, computer cords/speaker wire(SO YOU CAN PUT IT ALL BACK TOGETHER QUICKLY!!!).

Bathroom scale: You’ll want to keep all boxes under 50 pounds, and ideally around 30 pounds. This will minimize injuries, and drops. Weigh the boxes as you’re packing them.

General Packing

  1. Start Early – The earlier the better. Start with out of season items.
  1. Reduce the clutter. This is a great time to get rid of items you haven’t seen or used. You’ll be paying a mover to move it. The less you have, the less it will cost you!

    1. Have a garage sale…and during the last hour, put up a “free stuff” sign in the yard …GET RID OF IT!
    2. Give away house plants.
    3. Have a “use up the liquor” going away party.
    4. Donate unwanted clothes and furniture to Goodwill or another like organization.
    5. Sell large items that won’t work in your new home…outdoor items, wall units, lawnmowers, etc….on Craig’s list or EBay.
  1. Create “Open Me First” boxes- Pick one or two boxes per room as "Open Me First" boxes. Put in them the things you'll need first at your new location. Then mark the sides of the boxes so you'll know which ones are which.
  1. Pack a suitcase- For each member of the family moving, pack a suitcase as if you’re all going on a 3-day vacation, including changes of clothes, medications, eyeglasses, toiletries, etc. Keep the suitcases separated from all the other items to be moved, such as in your car, at your new workplace, etc. so you’ll have everything you need for the first few days without searching through boxes.
  1. Pack your valuables and essentials separately and plan on keeping these items with you.
  1. One at a time- Wherever possible, work on packing just one room at a time (instead of several all at once) to keep things focused and organized. Label your boxes.
  1. Tracking small parts- When taking apart items to be moved, such as tables, securely tape screws and other small parts securely to the underside of the item or put them in a zip-lock bag. You'll always know where to look and save time putting things back together.
  1. Leave light weight linens and clothing in their drawers
  1. Criss-cross tape- Tape boxes along the seams where the flaps meet together. Then tape perpendicularly at the center of the first tape, forming a cross.
  1. Reinforce the bottom of all boxes with packing tape. Fill each box to its capacity, using paper or fillers to eliminate empty spaces. The top and sides of each box shouldn’t bulger cave in when closed.
  2. Stacking- Stack boxes with the heaviest on the bottom, lightest on top to prevent crushing.
Packing Electronics

  • Original is best- Always use the original packaging when available. (I realize that most of us don’t have the original packaging for much of anything, but I thought I would bring it up anyway).
  • Double boxing- For especially fragile electronics, pack them first in a box with an excessive amount of biodegradable packing peanuts. Then pack that box in a larger box filled with biodegradable packing peanuts. This two-box system seems like a pain but seems to do a better job isolating items from jarring impacts.
  • No loose ends- Wrap each cord carefully with cable organizers, heavy twist ties or heavy rubber bands. Never throw unwrapped cords into boxes- they get tangled and caught on other items.
  • Cord labels- Consider getting a label maker and labeling the end of each. Then you'll know exactly which cord you're seeing and where each end connects when you put things back together.
  • The two-inch rule- Use at least 2" of biodegradable packing peanuts around each side of fragile items.
Box Inventory and Labels
  • “Fat” is in- Use the thickest, darkest marker you can find for labeling boxes. Pencils, pens, tin or light markers are almost impossible to see even just a few feet away.
  • Two sides- Label each box on the two broadest sides, opposite one another. That way if a box gets turned, you can still identify its contents.
  • Abbreviate room names- Start box labels with the abbreviated name of the room followed by a box number, such as “BTH2-6” for "second bathroom, 6th box." You can then track each box to make sure everything arrived safely.
  • Label "Open Me First" on boxes where it applies.
  • Mark "Fragile" where appropriate.
  • Identify contents- Identify the major contents and where they came from, such as "Medicine Cabinet" or "Linen Closet- Towels and Wash Cloths."
  • Box Inventory- Keep a clipboard and write down each box's room, box number and contents (graph paper is great for keeping things recorded neatly).
  • Verifying delivery- When unloading, check off each box as it gets unloaded at your new place. Then you'll know everything arrived safely.
  • Labels out- Ask movers to stack boxes in your new place with the labels facing out so that you can easily spot a specific box.

    Packing Major Appliances
  • Clean and dry all appliances at least 24 hours before your move date.
  • Consider using empty space in your appliances to move lightweight or crushable items.
  • Remove broiler pan and racks from your oven. Tape burners or coil elements to the top of your stove and tape down all knobs.
  • Disconnect and empty all washing machine hoses and store them inside the machine. Immobilize the tub with a brace or by placing towels between the tub and sidewall.
  • Tape electrical cords to each appliance and tape all doors and lids closed.
Packing Dishes and Glassware
  • Wrap breakables in Bubble Wrap and use newspaper to fill extra spaces in boxes.
  • Pack plates in dish protectors and pack them on their edges in dishpack boxes.
  • Consider using pot holders and dish towels to cushion the bottom and sides of your boxes.
  • Wrap fine silver in cloth or silver paper.

Packing Lamps and Decor
  • Packing bulbs and shades in sturdy cartons labeled "fragile" will protect them from breakage.
  • Wrap each wall hanging individually with bubble rap, furniture pads, or towels. Pack flat items on their edges.
  • For large mirrors or pictures, cover both sides with bubble rap and heavy cardboard, and bind with tape.

Packing Lawn and Garage Items
  • Drain all gasoline and oil from lawn mowers, weed eaters, chain saws and other equipment.
  • Strap long garden tools together into a bundle. Pack heavy power tools into small sturdy boxes and fill spaces with newspaper.
  • Poisonous, flammable and corrosive items cannot be shipped. Please see the moving list for a list of items that fall into this category.

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